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Keywords: TytoHome Heart Rate Exam Heart Rate HR Exam

This knowledge article will provide you with steps to perform a Heart Rate Exam with your TytoHome

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Heart Rate Exam

Step 1: Choose Heart Rate  on the Tyto Device.

Step 2: The Tyto Device will prompt you to connect the Stethoscope. Remember to follow the blue dots for correct positioning.

Step 3: Place the Stethoscope on the chest as indicated by the image on the Tyto Device screen and press Start. The Stethoscope will start capturing your heart rate. Make sure to hold the Device steady to ensure a strong reading, and don’t speak. If it is a weak reading, Tyto will prompt you to retake the exam.

Step 4: Wait until the exam is complete and press Done.

Step 5: When an exam is complete, there will be a check mark next to it on the exam screen.